Hi, my name is Julie Hammond.
I am a Bodyworker and Structural Integration practitioner.
I run several businesses, and because of this, I have built up a collection of logos which is often confusing. To make it easier for people to understand how my businesses fit together, I decided to put them all in one place on this new website which has been designed to make your experience easier.
With a passion for women’s health, I have been practising Bodywork for the last twenty years. With a passion for all things anatomy, I love that I get to express my passion in clinical practice and teaching.
My bodywork clinic in Fremantle, Western Australia offers Remedial Massage, Structural Bodywork, Structural Integration, Occupational Therapy and Scar work.
I am also Director of Anatomy Trains Australia & NZ, which offers modular and intensive continued professional development workshops for a wide range of health professionals.
As well as this, I teach the full curriculum, including the comprehensive Structural Integration Program.
As a company, we also offer training from international presenters, and every year we run our Summer School Program.
Balancing The Diaphragms is my newest venture. This workshop was co-written with Fiona Palmer, looking at the interaction between the diaphragms of the body.
I hope you enjoy reading – Being Human – a collection of articles and thoughts on various topics from anatomy, business, through to my thoughts on being human.
Julie Hammond
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Mary Oliver