
About admin

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So far admin has created 14 blog entries.

The beautiful pterygoids – with the coolest name

I have a list of favourite muscles, and this one is top of my list along with the adductor magnus and obturator internus. I am hoping I am not the only one with a hierarchy of favourite muscles. I would love to know what other peoples are? In my very first dissection I decided the pterygoids would be my [...]

2020-05-21T20:29:54+08:00April 3rd, 2020|

Thrown off the hamster wheel

31st March 2020; Day 14 of Isolation: I like many others, have been running at life for such a long time. What was once a passionate run had become a tiring run. The last few months, my thoughts were; if only time would slow down, if only I had more time, how do we slow the hamster wheel down [...]

2020-05-21T20:30:44+08:00March 31st, 2020|

Just Breathe…

This is easy to say but not necessarily easy to do at this current time. How often do you focus on your breath? Are you even aware of your breathing pattern? Taking a breath should be easy, with our diaphragm doing most of the work, however for a lot of us our upper body and chest muscles are working [...]

2020-05-21T20:43:31+08:00March 26th, 2020|

Pectoralis Minor / Clavipectoral fascia

Pec minor is one of the easier muscles to remember; however, it is encased within an impressive fascial layer called the clavipectoral fascia. Pectoralis minor is triangular and found under pectoralis major, attaching from: The 3rd to 5th ribs close to the costal cartilage, variations are often found including an attachment to the 2nd rib. Going diagonally upward to [...]

2020-05-21T20:54:48+08:00March 20th, 2020|
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